We implore candidate to think of the long term ramifications for accepting a counteroffer.
1. You have thought through all the reasons you want to leave your current employment, you are renagging on all that time of analyzing and decision making.
2. Your pride. Most counteroffers are an attempt from managers to ensure you DO NOT DISRUPT their work flow. If you have already discussed pay raise and they DID NOT accept, then isn't this just a convenient way to keep you?
3. You burn bridges with A) the company that spent resources interviewing, B) the recruiter (if applicable) that spent time and leveraged their reputation on you, and C) the current employer.
4. If your current employer does not want to give you a pay increase but you leverage an offer to elicit one - you have strong armed your current employer into paying more for you then they think you are worth. Therefore, you put yourself on the chopping block first for layoffs and cutbacks. You do not get the promotion or the best projects - you are seen as uncommitted and unloyal. Consider sticking with your original reasons to leave your employer and do not play the counteroffer game!