Communication is key: Be Clear and Concise

It goes without saying (no pun intended!), that effective communication is, without a doubt, one of the biggest skills required for any job. Throttling your conversation in as few words as possible to generate the biggest impact is a skill that takes work. Saying everything in a single bout, without much planning behind the speech is usually looked upon as immature, un professional and naive.

Taking a minute to plan thoughts, tailor words for the audience and address the priority ideas makes for effective communication. If all else fails, just listen. You’ll be surprised what you may actually hear!

 The formula is simple.

  1. Take your ideas and boil it down to the big important thing on your mind (not plural).

  2. Choose your best words to convey that thing in at least 2 honest breathes.

  3. Be confident and crisp in speaking about that thing.

  4. Listen to feed back.

  5. Address the mood of the room.

  6. Move onto next thing on your mind if mood warrants it.

Robert Chlebowski